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We may change the appearance and content of the website and the Terms of Use at any time and without explanation, so please review them periodically to familiarize yourself with possible changes. Your subsequent use of the website is deemed to constitute your acceptance of any possible changes to these terms. Tara moda d.o.o. will not be responsible for any possible consequences resulting from changes in web content.
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Online Store
The seller is Tara moda d.o.o., and the buyer is a visitor of these pages, an adult and able-bodied person, who fills out an electronic order, sends it to the seller and makes payment via credit card, debit card, money order/bank transfer/e-banking or cash on delivery.
The customer is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the data entered during the purchase.
By ordering items, the customer accepts the terms of business listed on these pages.
Please submit your possible disagreement with the conditions, either in whole or in part, in writing before your first order to e-mail: info@hudogandhucat.com or to the seller’s address (Tara moda d.o.o., Kolodvorska 27, 44320 Kutina)
The customer has the right to terminate the contract in accordance with Article 72 of the Consumer Protection Act (OG 41/2014). The right is exercised within the time limit and in the manner provided by law (more information in the document: unilateral termination of the contract)
Tara moda d.o.o. can reject the order or not deliver the goods if it finds that Tara moda d.o.o. has been misused. Internet pages or determine that the data on the order is incomplete or incorrect.
Tara moda d.o.o. Internet pages can be used and all content viewed for your private use without any fees for use, and according to the Terms of Use.
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Tara moda d.o.o. reserves the right to change these conditions. All changes will be announced on these websites.
Pictures and video
All photographs, images, videos, biographical data of persons and other materials that appear on these websites are the exclusive property of Tara moda d.o.o.
Tara moda d.o.o. will make a reasonable effort to publish accurate and up-to-date information on its website, but does not assume responsibility for the accuracy and completeness thereof, nor does it grant the right to object in this regard.
Tara moda d.o.o. does not guarantee that this website will always be available and available, and that it will not contain errors or viruses. Each user expressly agrees to use this website at his own risk.
Tara moda d.o.o. is not liable for any damage or injury (including, but not limited to, special or consequential damages) that may result from the use or inability to use any part of this website, or content posted or added to it by other users.
Protection of personal data
- We would like to emphasize that by visiting our website, all your personal information remains confidential, unless you choose not to disclose it.
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